Oil on Canvas, 2010, 66 x 50in
(Zoomed in Image)
This is a zoomed in photo of this painting. This painting is 66 x 50inches. This is the largest canvas that I've stretched, and painted in years. I had another title other than Caught for this painting, which helped to inspired my story, but changed it because I desire to leave the title a little vague.
I prefer to leave room for the viewer to have their own interpretations of my work, rather than me completely forcing my emotional experience on them; I want them to have their own experience with each piece.
This large painting has brought the best out of me intellectually, and aesthetically. Its largeness of size forced me to consider every area of the canvas in greater detail. I was able to push my narrative more than I have before in my previous work. I not only had to consider the figure, but the atmosphere around the figure in intensely because there is more open space within the picture.
A large canvas gives me more room to play with my subjects body language to help tell the story. My brush work and paint application is the first painting in the series, "Unveiling Secrets", to consist of a lot of translucent color and lose energetic brush work. In Caught, I brought painting back to my paintings.
Unveiling Secrets
East Hall Gallery, 2nd Floor
Opening Reception, March 29, 2010 6-9PM
March 29 through April 2
Regular gallery hours Tues-Fri, 10AM-5PM
Pratt Institute
200 Willoughby Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11205